The Midi File in the Email Attachment Cliche

One day I was in the attic looking around for things to sell at a pawn shop. Everything was dusty and cluttered, boxes labeled "memories" and "old games." I was walking and then I tripped on a large object, I looked behind myself and saw my old computer. I forgot all about the computer since I hadn't played it since I was nine. My parents got it for me as a present, I had gotten into it, but I got bored and it just sat on the counter until my parents probably put it in here. I already have a nice laptop, but I decided to take the computer to my room and tried to boot it up. Sadly, it didn't boot. I expected it, it was a Windows 98, it probably got dust in its mainframe or something.
I was about to push it to the side when I noticed a flashdrive which is kind of odd because I looked up the year flashdrives were invented and apparently they weren't out to the public yet in 1998. I took out the flashdrive and put it in my laptop. "Downloading file 1/68." it took about an hour but it finally finished downloading. Three applications appeared on my desktop, the microsoft email service, half life, and a weird pinball game. I clicked the microsoft email application and it already had a email signed into it.
Woah, this was my ancient email address, there were emails from my aunt and uncle from a decade ago, even longer ago than that! I had a weird email, though. It was named "You gotta listen to this man!" I clicked it because I really like music, it's dope. The link sent me to a private youtube video, but then I signed in and it said I could watch. I put in my headphones and closed my eyes, ready to listen. It was a midi of Justin Beiber. I thought it was a prank and I laughed, but I remembered something. This email was from 1998, so Justin Beiber wasn't alive. How did he send this link? I was super freaked out so I got out of the browser. Just then I got an email, "YOU LIKE MIDI?" I replied, "How did you do that, Justin Beiber wasn't alive yet!" The person replied, "YOU LIKE MIDI? LOOK AT DESKTOP NOW." I listened to the man with poor grammar and looked on my desktop.
Bonzi buddy was now on my desktop and he was singing! My ears started bleeding hyper-realistically! I cried and an error message popped up, "TURNING TO MAXIMUM VOLUME." OH MY GOD BONZI BUDDY STARTED SINGING ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT. I grabbed a torch and set my laptop on fire, finally it was gone. It stopped, but now I had to buy a new laptop.
I guess the lesson here is fire is always the answer.